South Africa’s politics is based on a constitution that came into effect in 1997. As far as I can gather; during the period before that happened, the country was in crisis mode, due to the circumstances of:

a) Mandela being released from jail in 1990

a concrete statue
Photo by Mike van Schoonderwalt on

b) The general election that was held in 1994 that resulted in a democratically run Government of National Unity that continued until 1997, when the ANC took over the reigns of government. Thabo Mbeki took over in 1999; followed by a number of ANC presidents, including Jacob Zuma, and finally Cyril Ramaphosa in 2018.

c) Ramaphosa then finished the job that Zuma started (commonly known as ‘ the 9 wasted years’); almost totally destroying the country in every way. He achieved virtually nothing during his time as President, and luckily; in the general election of 2024, he was summarily ejected from the ANC’s despotic and totally incompetent domination of the country by losing 17 percent of the ANC’s voters; which meant that shortly thereafter, history was made as the ANC had utterly failed to secure 50% plus portion of the vote; thereby making way for a new democratic dispensation the GNU (government of National Unity).

The DA; the former opposition party of the country took second place and since then the fortunes of the country took a convincing upturn as during the amazing negotiations, the GNU government was formed in a truly democratic and largely merit-based process.

In the 100 days that followed, it became very clear that; despite vociferous opposition from ‘THE BREAKERS’; parties who for one reason or another failed to participate in the GNU government; such as the EFF, MK, Action SA, and BOSA; the majority of voters who had a modicum of common sense realised that the future of South Africa needed to rest squarely on the shoulders of parties and individuals who were fighting for their people; PARTICULARLY THE POOR, WHO WANTED TO LIVE IN A COUNTRY WHERE THE GOVERNMENT CARED FOR ITS PEOPLE and where TALENT, EDUCATION AND ORGANISATIONAL ABILITY WOULD HOLD SWAY; instead of having the right contacts, attacking others impeded the individual and group progress and being extremely good at manipulation of others, racism, cronyism and DOWNRIGHT CRIMINALITY.

Now – about John Steenhuizen – Why is he so quiet at the moment?

Could it be that he has realised that the structure on which this country of ours was built and is still being built, is fatally flawed?

Our Constitution that came into being in 1997 was and is still widely revered as a very good document; and if it had been followed in the spirit of democracy, non-racism, equality under the law and so-on, it would have provided the perfect vehicle on which to build our young democracy.

Unfortunately; it seems as if it was and is still being perverted by extreme greed and lust for power by the more recent ANC governments. The ANC was given too much power, much too quickly, and they took advantage of that in a big way. Since Mbeki’s rule, there has been a catastrophic slide in the country’s fortunes; caused by our citizens inability to see what was happening under Zuma and his successors, including Ramaphosa.

Luckily, because of the ANC’s failure to see the warning signs in the run-up to the recent elections, we the citizens, have been given another chance to RESCUE SOUTH AFRICA, as Steenhuizen calls it.

Coalition government has worked quite well in many countries such as, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands. However; the jury is still out on whether it will work as well in South Africa.

For coalition government to work well, it seems that a degree of sophistication and experience in the populations of such countries needs to be present. Coalitions don’t seem to work so well when a large portion of the electorate prefers to support an autocratic, populist charismatic leader with extreme views, who is very adept at power-mongering to get his or her way. Good examples of this narcissistic type of leader include Hitler, Donald Trump, Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema.

In South Africa, there is a group of such leaders who are determined to prevent a centrist, constitutionalist government from growing the country to grow back to the wonderful country it was pre – 2017. John Steenhuizen dubbed this group as ‘The Doomsday Coalition’.

photo of people holding each other s hands
Photo by fauxels on

Spearheading this group at the moment is Herman Mashaba of Action SA. Mashaba will go to any lengths to discredit the man who achieved great things for Tshwanee DA; and unfortunately for him, he decided to take on Cilliers Brink, Mayor of Tshwane (DA) and by working with certain members of the ANC’s anti-constitutionist, anti-DA and John Steenhuizen, he managed to get Cilliers Brink ousted as Mayor of Tshwane, using a vote of No Confidence.

Cilliers Brink is an extremely capable, intelligent man who achieved great things in Tshwane.

However, I for one think that taking on Brink and the DA in this way will end badly for Mashaba.

Ciliiers Brink will not lie down quietly. Being a determined, capable young man, will probably take the position of leader of the opposition in Tshwane and will continue to stir things up and continue to work for the good of the citizens of Tshwane.

Helen Zille, chairperson of the Federal Council of the DA recently made an interesting comment, saying that the future of South Africa will be a straight fight between the Eff and the DA; while the ANC will be seen as crumbling between these two combatants. The Eff will represent the anti- constitutionalist, socialist, populist arm of the electorate, while the DA will continue to represent the existing more constitutionalist, capitalistic, merit-based government; as well as continuing with fixing our country’s numerous problems.

Make no mistake about it. The DA will fight the Doomsday Coalition leaders tooth and nail so that the job the GNU is doing will continue to support growth, stability, fighting criminality and providing effective education until South Africa regains its place as one of the leading countries in the world.


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