Special message to all successful graduates. Your academic activities are completed for now. You are now operating in the #exciting world of business in our dynamic country. Please take note of our #“quick Fire” Business Editing package, which is available in all areas in all areas in South Africa, including Port Elizabeth, East London, Cape Town, Johannesburg, among others. #It’s taking off! as often, businesses have need for a #fast turnaround editing/proofreading service for e.g. #minutes of meetings, reports, executive announcements etc. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our turnaround time is 1 – 2 hours!

Also, If your company is being generous enough to sponsor further study for you to complete a #post graduate degree or doctorate then we are happy to take on the proofreading and editing part of that, professioonally. Onward and Upward!

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