Almost the end of January 2019 already. Holidays are well and truly over and it’s time to knuckle down and start working again. My fishing rod is starting to rust because it hasn’t had enough action in the holidays due to the SA students and graduates sending us so much thesis work in December. Much appreciated!

The beach is calling me but I have to resist and WORK! The good news is that we are running ANOTHER SPECIAL! until the end of march.

ONLY R16.00 RAND PER PAGE for all of you eager beavers who want to get a jump on the year (in between all the student activities of course – very important! I know.)

Also AUTHORS TAKE NOTE! if you have a book in you about your amazing life; get in touch with us because we are very user-friendly when it comes to authors, and will assist you all the way through proofreading your “baby”, making your text super easy and enjoyable to read; and will not only lay your book out perfectly, ready for publication, but also design you a brilliant cover for your book or ebook, as well as recommending someone who can help with distribution. It’s not that difficult to get into print. DON’T LISTEN TO NEGATIVE PEOPLE!

Have a great February. Can you believe it – already!

Best Wishes, Hugo

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Brenda & Hugo