Ace Magashule has just handed himself over to the Hawks. This is another watershed moment; not so much because of his alleged misdeeds, but rather because he symbolises a crisis point in the ruling party’s ongoing battle between the stalwarts who blindly support the traditional policy of the ANC; irrespective of the ongoing investigation into corruption or not, and the groundswell of the poor masses of the people who are slowly coming to the realisation that they have been neglected for 26 years and will probably continue to be ignored if rapid changes are not made to facilitate REAL CHANGE! instead of presenting a #facade of democracy perpetrated by the #top 6 ruling elite under the president and his acolites.

As I write, I am seeing Magashule supporters burning T shirts supporting President Ramaphosa!

My personal opinion, for what it’s worth, is that no existing political party, as they stand right now, can solve South Africa’s predominant problems namely:

*massive unemployment

*massive poverty levels

*inhumane conditions prevailing in the townships

* the two overwhelming motives driving most people are 1) greed and maintaining the status quo to benefit the wealthy and powerful individuals who dominate our society and 2) survival in the face of poverty, disease and lack of having a ‘roof over their heads’.

*a poor quality or non existent education system; because of pushing pupils, students, graduates and even PHD candidates up through the system willy nilly, just to make the educational authorities look good. It seems that even though those who emerge at the top of the system are often still incapable of doing their jobs professionally and productively.

Personally, I don’t think it matters in the slightest who is currently in power because all the parties contending for power, including the present incumbents, would probably be pretty useless at solving such issues.

It seems that the only way to solve these problems is to reject the present political structures that prevail in our country with an entirely new system that prioritises the problems listed above.

We have to face the fact that South Africa’s brand of democracy, in its present form, is not working, so an alternative needs to be sought; whether it be a federal system, a coalition government or some other system that will support economic growth, assist the poor masses of the people, eliminate corruption, maintain law and order, give a fair deal to minorities and prioritise true democratic principles.

We need to set politics aside completely, for now, and I, for one, believe that South Africans are up for it.

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