The pot of gold is empty thanks to our so- called leaders who over the last 28 useless years have managed to undermine, feed-off and destroy all the amazing assets that our country has to offer; only for the benefit of the ruling party in the country; and certainly not for its own people.

rainbow color patch on area rug
Photo by Sanketh Rao on

for several years before 1994, and several years thereafter, under the stewardship of what was referred to the GNU (Government of national Unity), South Africa was in many respects held up as a miracle of transformation into harmonious unity between several diverse and severely divided nations; universally dubbed THE RAINBOW NATION, and envied by many other western countries. Then came the collapse. The masks of goodwill were taken off and the power mongering, greed and nepotism took over.

There is absolutely no justification for the actions of the ANC cadres who came into power shortly after 1994, who totally mismanaged and destroyed all that made our country great; including one of the best power generating systems in the world, a fantastic transport network, linking efficient roads that weren’t full of potholes, rail systems and harbours that actually worked; a judicial and law and order structure that managed to prevent situations of complete anarchy occurring; such as occurred in July last year, which caused billions of financial losses and large numbers of lives being lost.

person with a hammer standing on the roof of a car
Photo by cottonbro studio on

The forces of law and order were rendered completely impotent and leaderless while our pitifully equipped army and navy could only stand and watch the mayhem happen. Law and order has now been shown as completely toothless and it is now commonly known that criminal syndicates are blatantly working in cahoots with criminal masterminds to grab what’s left of our crippled economy. Tragically, the NEW SOUTH AFRICA which still has the cheek to espouse democratic ideals turned out to be a totally misnamed disaster from that point on. Instead of following its much vaunted democratic ideals, it has steadily descended into a dictatorial, communistic regime; corrupt from top to bottom.


Between now and 2024, we, as a nation have the horrendously difficult task of extracting a competent enough group of people who can rescue this disastrous mess of people and change it into a force that has sufficient talent, experience and above all INTEGRITY; to correct the wrongs of the past; move beyond the antiquated misconceptions of the past and forge a new future from the ashes we have left South Africa in now.

Sadly; South Africa has come to resemble more and more closely, its neighbour Zimbabwe; which not so long ago had ordinary citizens pushing wheelbarrows of useless cash through the streets, just to get enough money together to buy a loaf of bread to feed their starving families. Is this the way we want to go?

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