Busy Bee Editing South Africa hereby extends an invitation to all university students, graduates and post graduate students in the UK, including, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, as well as other European countries such as Germany, Austria and France, where English academic proofreading and other allied services are needed. Our prices are extremely affordable, and with seven years of experience in this field; with academic, scientific, business as well as authors using our services; often on an ongoing basis. We are pleased to be able to assist with highly professional work on ANY English language document.

We also assist clients by offering them a “One Stop Shop” service whereby by all our documents are professionally laid-out; ready for printing and publication. We can also assist our customers by sub-contracting design of book covers, professionally designed special layouts as well as layouts for Amazon or ebook publication.
If prospective clients wish to find more information on how we operate, or wish to request a free no-obligation quote, they can go onto our website on www.busybeeediting.co.za; where under Testimonials they will find testimonials from our many happy clients.
We look forward to your responses.
Kind Regards from the BUSY BEE EDITING TEAM
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