In a by-election that became necessary because of the shocking murder of DA’s Chief whip in Umngeni, the ANC’s grip on the electorate in sleepy Saldanha Bay was totally reversed when their previous by-election total of 72% was smashed down to a pathetic 15% of the vote.

Apparently, this is the first time that the EFF has won an election in the Western Cape.

This does not bode well for the ANC’s chances in the general election in 2024. (currently the Brenthurst Foundation is polling the ANC at 41%) Despite Ramaphosa’s denying the fact that South Africa is running out of money, it has been alleged widely that the ANC’s coffers are close to empty.

a person holding a poster in a rally
Photo by Edmond Dantès on

If that is the case, then how one earth is the ANC going to launch and run the customary pre – election campaign the ANC always puts on with their usual t.shirts, fast food handouts, big rallies and other paraphernalia, especially in a general election.

Support for the ANC has been dropping fast, due to a massive drop in the confidence level of their supporters; particularly now that recently there has been a major catastrophe in South Africa’s major ports wherein 100000 CONTAINERS HAVE BEEN LEFT STRANDED ON CONTAINER SHIPS, LOADED WITH CHRISTMAS GOODIES, at sea, outside the country’s major ports; which allegedly, will not be delivered to their destinations BEFORE MARCH 2024. What a horrible shock that will be for the diehard ANC supporters, businesses who will not receive their Christmas deliveries before March, children awaiting Christmas presents, and tourist destinations.

clear long stem drinking glass
Photo by on

How can this problem be solved? A solution needs to be found – FAST!

If the government borrows even more money from the IMF, Germany or some other source of cash, then it will mean a higher percentage of national debt. Our country will fall even further down in the eyes of the debt rating agencies; and it will take a much longer time for the country to recover economically. Allegedly, it could take as much as 30 years for this to happen – WHAT A COMEDOWN FROM THE GLORY DAYS UNDER APARTHEID AND SHORTLY AFTER THE 1994 ELECTION! when we were the envy of the rest of the free world, economically, industrially, judicially and in terms of sporting prowess!

As regards the future after the election, I have no idea what is going to happen.

However, I do have some thoughts on the matter:

With the EFF getting stronger; spearheaded by Malema, Heaven forbid! I do think that the ANC in desperation might form an alliance with the EFF, with its crazy, youth dominated, totally ignorant following, just to retain some power; which would a final disaster that would cripple South Africa for some time, because both of these groups definitely espouse a socialist/communist future for our country, dominated by criminal syndicates who would continue to rape the country of its dwindling assets; all for the benefit of the so-called RULING ELITE; AND FOR CRIME, VIOLENCE AND PATRONAGE FOR THE CADRES TO CONTINUE TO “EAT” until theres’ nothing left to steal and break.

A much better solution for all citizens who would like to have a more normal, perhaps even happy life would be for the opposition coalition, under the guiding hand of the DA (at LEAST they do have a pretty good idea of how to run things in a province or a country) to run the country in such a way that all citizens; irrespective of skin colour or religion could have a normal life where it would be possible for all to have a job; some kind of career prospects, own their own property and provide some future for their children and future generations – FROM MY LIPS TO GOD’S EARS!

Second Prize would be if we can’t get rid of the ANC altogether would be a coalition between the ANC and the DA AS PART OF THE OPPOSITION COALITION; as this would lessen the power of the ANC in government; thereby allowing other voices to be heard in parliament and in government and the ANC would then be forced to be less autocratic; and then hopefully; a government that was more democratic, more honest and more geared towards economic recovery would emerge.

(P.S. I had to sprinkle this post with a lot of “ALLEGEDLY’s” to avoid being put in “facebook jail”!)

More updates will follow.

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