As we launch into 2024 from the vantage point of Struisbaai, where we are permanently resident, I look on in amazement and wonder at the number of 4 x 4 vehicles, big luxurious boats and luxury houses in Struisbaai and Agulhas in this festive period; overflowing with well-heeled holiday visitors. I see the copious spending, which obviously will allow the local residents who own and run guest houses, restaurants, game farms and the like to survive and hopefully prosper in the coming year.

However, despite the atmosphere of wealth, priviledge and goodwill that prevails during the Christmas period, I have to confess to a feeling of foreboding that hangs like a dark cloud over us as we contemplate the general election prospects.
The questions over what is going to happen to our beautiful country during 2024 and beyond are:
Will we see Malema and his followers committing further insurrection as they did in 2021, with the accompanying loss of livelihoods, businesses, food supplies and tourism?
Will Johnny Steenhuizen be able to lead us all into a better future, as cooler heads hold sway in an effective centrist opposition that will form a coalition without too much squabbling and jockeying for power, that inevitably, results in much double dealing, lies, loss of ballot papers and the like, that inevitably accompanies every election? What a wonderful day that would be! However, I doubt that things will run as smoothly as they did in 1994.

Will we see a dignified exit from power by the ANC cadres, before they collaborate in a coalition? – unlikely but possible.
One thing is certain. South Africa is going to change!
(Stop Press – Kim Jong Un of North Korea (dubbed Little Rocket Man by Donald Trump) is talking war again – and how does he justify this action – who does he blame? why – America of course!)
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