The DA’s response to the judgement handed down by the High Court in South Africa gives a very clear message that, in light of the impending election on 29th May 2024, the election will be a ‘bloody battle to the death’ ; metaphorically speaking, between the ANC criminal gang that has wrecked the country and the opposition DA party that has a concrete plan on how to rescue the country. As John Steenhuizen leader of the DA recently just said; this is much more than just a general election. It is effectively A REFERENDUM FOR THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA that will decide whether the country will fall into a morass of poverty and violence, getting poorer and more miserable by the day, or be resurrected to once again become the marvellous country it was in the Honeymoon Period shortly after the 1994 election, and progressively from this point on, grow into the wonderful country it is destined to be.

People of South Africa, your fate is in your hands!

Don’t believe what the ANC is telling you! It’s nothing more than a repeat performance of the pack of lies that these incompetent idiots have been feeding us all for the last thirty years. (by the way … a little bird told me that the ANC has run out of t shirts LOL)

You will not merely be voting for one of the two frontrunner political parties. You will literally be voting to save your lives. The hospitals are overrun, an average of 75 people are being murdered every day in South Africa. Businesses are failing, containers are waiting outside our major ports because they connot be unloaded at ports and thereafter cannot reach their destination on time, with the result that businesses go out of business, more people lose their jobs and unemployment grows. The education your children are getting is atrocious. in grade 4, 82% of the learners can’t even read for meaning. How do you think they will be able to make their way in the world with education that’s not worth a damn; neither here nor in the rest of the world.? The future is here today! and do you really think that that your offspring can make a success of the lives in a world that is driven by incredibly fast technological changes … … and the whole disaster is a direct result of cadre deployment policies that are solely aimed at keeping the cadres in designer clothes, banquets, luxury vehicles and ridiculously high salaries – AND KEEPING THE MAN IN THE STREET POOR!

investigator on crime scene looking through magnifying glass
Photo by cottonbro studio on

The ANC does not care about you or I or our children. The cadres just want to look after themselves and their families. TAKE THE BLINKERS OFF!

Make no mistake about it. The DA opposition party and the opposition coalition that is backing the DA’s court action to remove cadre deployment is not going to back down. They will move heaven on earth to destroy the cadres and put them into prison where they belong. There will be an appeal against the High Court’s decision, and another appeal … and another …

The private sector is already taking over many operations that the government is totally failing to manage. Provincial governments are already coming into their own and running provinces on their own. BUSINESSES AND PRIVAT BUSINESSES ARE FIXING POTHOLES! and whether the ANC and the cadres like it or not, THE PEOPLE ARE TAKING THEIR COUNTRY BACK!

Socialism; and its likely outcome – communism; as well as totalitarionist regimes such as Nazism and Russian oligarchic rule did not work in Russia or Germany and they have certainly not worked in South Africa, as evinced by the catastrophic state it is in today and has been for the last 48 years. Although both capitalism and democracy have their faults, there is no doubt that they have proved themselves to be the only type of government that really works.

Back to the election – that is now 3 only months away; there is intense speculation going on in all directions; and if I look at the opinions expressed across the board, the impression I get is that a Government of National Unity, as was put in place after the 1994 election and was subsequently destroyed by the ANC, is the most likely and most productive outcome after the 2024 election; and from my ‘lips to Gods ears’, I hope it happens!

Neil De Beer, leader of the UIM is convinced that this outcome is the most likely, as it shows stark similarities with what happened at the end of World War Two when allies from the most diverse nations ever came together and decided to remove Hitler. It is possible for a centrist motivated group of people and organisations with as diverse views as religious leaders, capitalists, democrats, captains of industry, technocrats and others could agree that in the interest of ensuring a better life for all; an NGO is the way to go.


Nei De Beer also reminded us of how the Springboks’ recent victory dramatically united our country, with ALL THE PEOPLE showing united goodwill across all boundaries, irrespective of race, creed, or colour. What a wonderful moment that was! – and it clearly showed how united we, as a nation can be.

Ramaphosa is every bit as dangerous and insane as Hitler was and HE MUST GO!

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