The burning question is can you get it right?
Can the NEC members forget about their fancy cars, enormous salaries, the mansions they live in, motorcades, expensive private security protection and the exclusive private schools their children attend … and decide to look after all South African people so we can all have a future.
Does anyone in the ANC have the leadership quality, charisma and wisdom to lift us up to a better life? – or do we have to face a future that will be even worse than that of VENEZUELA and ZIMBABWE.
Zuma has with great forethought, skill and leadership catapulted the MK into a vision whereby the long-suppressed frustration of the Zulu nation with the ANC is once again being expressed and they re-emerge as the glorious Zulu nation of the past. Not only that! If Zuma manages to enlist the co-operation of Julius Malema and the RET faction of the ANC, backed financially by Vladimir Putin, he can definitely demolish the ANC!
That outcome must be stopped at all costs!
Thus, the DA and their moderate centrist allies had better pull up their socks, start thinking very fast and take radical, decisive action to stop Zuma’s juggernaut from achieving its aims of total domination of our country.
The other action that needs to be taken by all South Africans is STATE PROOFING. State proofing is the process whereby citizens, business leaders, civic officials, captains of industry and the like replace state run institutions that have failed to do their jobs. This process is already happening but needs to be accelerated, as no matter the outcome of coalition negotiations, it is clear that it will be a long time before the country can recover and in the meantime, we can all contribute towards building the nation from the ground up.
The DA has already done very well in this area and will undoubtedly continue to do so. However, we all need to do our part.
6th June 5.25 p.m. Latest news: It now seems as if the ANC is presently talking about forming a Government of National Unity. To quote The Daily Friend’s Nickolas Lorimer, this looks like quite a smart move by the ANC as it paints them as “The Good Guys” who are trying to be fair to everyone. However, upon reflection; one must doubt whether this is practical as it will mean that a huge number of parties in parliament would have to debate every proposal and chaos would then be a continual feature of such deliberations and the speaker of the house would find it extremely difficult to maintain order, let alone reach any form of consensus.
Also, one can only assume that Ramaphosa would remain president and the Civil Service would remain in the hands of the ANC.
It would be a total mess all round.
However, Mr Lorimer also said that he gathered that a decision on which parties would be announced as comprising the GNU would be announced tomorrow! WOW!
Also, apparently, the MK party has failed to respond to invitations to discuss joining the ANC in coalition, which seems to indicate that they are planning some form of disruptive activity very soon as they are clearly not happy about the outcome of the election.
The other thing, according to Hermann Pretorius, another member of the Daily Friend podcast group is that given the DA’s pre-election statements that they would move heaven and earth to keep the EFF out of power, the fact that they might be joining the EFF in a GNU would make them lose a lot of credibility with their supporters.
All this indicates that the next few days will produce some fireworks!
7 6 2024 – Coalition politics 101 is now being performed right in front of us.
John Steenhuizen described the process, broadly speaking as; talks about talks -it looks like those have been done, followed by talks. That is then followed by COMPROMISE. This is the stage when the various parties start to face the realities and potential consequences of the demands and objections they have presented. This is the stage where ‘the rubber meets the road’
At that stage, the parties really start to meet each other in terms of policy and compromise decisions can be made.
WONDERFUL! Real democracy in action. Finally, after all the handshaking, back slapping and posturing, real progress can be made towards finding a solution.
The only ‘fly in the ointment’ arises when one party takes a stand and flatly refuses to co-operate with the process.
Jacob Zuma; champion of the Zulu nation, ignores all request to participate from the majority party, the ANC. OKAY, NOW THE GLOVES ARE COMING OFF!
The ANC leader now has to stop pussyfooting around; abandon his policy of appeasement; trying to play for time and actually make a decision. He can’t pass the buck to anyone else as he normally does when he encounters problems. He has only two options:
1 – Capitulate with the MK party by acceding to some of their demands. That decision will ‘Piss-Off’ the moderate, centrist contingent, including the official opposition, the DA, likewise anger the corporate business leaders, block all foreign investment indefinitely, cause a serious drop in the value of the SA RAND and worst of all, make Ramaphosa look even more of a weakling in the eyes of his people – DISASTER ALL ROUND!
2. – Or Cyril can for once, take affirm stand; ignore the MK and Zuma altogether, continue with the negotiation process described above and hammer out a solution for the country; if necessary before the 14 – day deadline for forming a new government runs out.
Should the ANC choose to dump Zuma and the MK and the EFF; and even if the moderate centrist lobby manages to take over government; having the MK as a political enemy, will pose a huge problem for the new government because KZN and the Zulu nation comprises a substantial bloc of voters, the loss of which will weaken the new government’s hold on power in the country.
The other possibility is to approach the IFP, which before the election supported the multiparty charter to join in a coalition which includes the DA, the ANC and a couple of smaller parties and set up a new government, which will then have enough votes to take over government; thus cutting The radical EFF and MK out of the picture and then just ride out the mayhem that will follow; and then hopefully enter calmer waters and start fixing the country.
Listening to Helen Ziller of the DA it is becoming clear that the DA are not going to compromise on their decision not to back down on their fundamental principles regarding opposing cadre deployment, BB BEE, upholding the constitution, the rule of law, and replacing BB BEE with appointments on merit, cronyism and land restitution without compensation. If the DA party is prevented from forming part of the new coalition government, then it will revert to its role as the opposition in the country and clearly then they will continue to fight for those fundamental rights and resist the Doomsday Coalition with all their might.
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