Despite his promises and declarations of promoting unity, law and order, help for the less fortunate and growth in the country, Ramaphosa has once again shown that his speeches are merely hot air and lies, solely intended to perpetuate the ANC’s domination of the country. SUPPORTING the GNU WAS JUST ANOTHER LIE IN A LONG LINE OF LIES FROM RAMAPHOSA. It was nothing more than an attempt to maintain political power for the ANC.
This is being borne out by Cyril’s backing away and failing to demand that Simelane MINISTER OF JUSTICE NOGAL should immediately step aside from her position as Minister of Justice.
Leaving Thembi Simelane in place as Minister of Justice is like putting a fox in charge the chicken hok. What message does this inaction by the president give to the criminals and criminal syndicates?

The ridiculous situation we find ourselves in, is that Simelane, while still Minister of Justice, has the authority to block the NPA from taking legal action against her!
The impression Ramaphosa has created among political commentators in general is that the ANC in its present form, is unlikely to last beyond the next elective conference; never mind the municipal elections. The rest if the ANC upper echelon had better wake up fast, because Ramaphosa is committing the ANC to suicide as a political party at dizzying speed; or alternatively becoming a far less influential party, restricted mainly to the more conservative rural areas.
It is beyond belief that the MINISTER OF JUSTICE, of all people, collaborated with an unregistered company named Gumdu Wealth Solutions to secure a large loan at an interest rate of 47% with no documentation in sight so far – from GBS Bank.
Even more ridiculous and disturbing is the fact that Simelane secured a loan from GBS bank for herself, to open a coffee shop in Sandton. (I hear the coffee shop never even opened?)
This smacks heavily of corruption; or I venture to say – Money Laundering!

Apparently, Simelane was supposed to appear before the Integrity Commission – This was another example of Ramaphosa’s attempts to pull the wool over the nation’s eyes by pretending that the Integrity Commission will reduce corruption.
A fascinating interview was hosted by Mike Sham of the State of the Nation platform whereby Ebrahim Harvey, a well-known political writer and analyst, gave his opinion on the subject of the state South Africa finds itself in the aftermath of the general election and the shenanigans that have taken place since. Harvey made it very clear that prominent political players who still wield power in our country; despite fake promises of reform, transformation, improvement of infrastructure and the Rule of Law, policing and reducing the crime rate etc. couldn’t give a damn about any of these worthy aspirations, as, with a few exceptions who are doing a great job; the rest are merely paying lip service to the undertakings they made when they swore allegiance to the GNU. In truth, they are only interested in keeping the ANC in power, protecting corrupt ministers from being prosecuted and lining their own pockets.
Such individuals include cabinet ministers such as President Ramaphosa, and other ANC cadres, and other individuals such as Jacob Zuma. Harvey said that the roots of this attitude run deep within the ANC, right back to the party’s formation in 1912 and persist among those who splintered off from the ANC over the years, such as Zuma and Julius Malema.
Unfortunately, the majority of the electorate still support such individuals; not for logical reasons such as transformative policies that could truly rejuvenate the country, but because they are too ignorant and uneducated to analyse the alternatives, and consequently support radical leftist parties such as MK and the EFF, who support nationalisation, or changing the Constitution or other non-productive policies, which would simply result in a continued decline of the country, towards socialism; eventually becoming communism; instead of selecting a party or coalition to vote for that shows some semblance of giving a damn about the people.
Keeping the majority of the people uneducated and poor is a foundation stone of the ANC’s policy.
However, the results of the recent National Election and the events that followed showed that there has been something of a sea change in the minds of the more centrist, practical, fair-minded portion of the electorate; who mainly reside in and around the metros, together with the poorer portion of ANC supporters who have been struggling to survive for 30 years under ANC rule – which caused the ANC to lose a huge portion of their voting support, which thereafter resulted in the formation of the GNU.
Make no mistake! the ANC only supported the GNU because they realised that is was the only way they could continue running the country; albeit having to collaborate with the DA and other parties.
Regarding the NHI, there seem to be some murmurings among certain sectors of the ANC, corporate players and the like that a middle way could be found whereby private medical aid societies could still be allowed to operate under negotiated conditions in collaboration with the NHI.
There is some good news however! Rob Hersov chairman of African capital Investments recently opined the likelihood that the GNU would continue fighting corruption and improving South Africa’s economic prospects as signs are showing that the newly elected cabinet ministers who have integrity had shown themselves as highly capable of transforming the country in a positive direction, combating corruption, reducing the power of criminals and improving infrastructure.
Hersov, on being asked about the situation in Tshwane stated hes belief that the mess in Tshwane and Gauteng would not be resolved until the next municipal elections in 2026. He said that at that point the ANC will have lost most of its support, which would leave the way open for the “Good Guys”, meaning the “Builders” whose agenda was essentially centrist, such as the DA, the PA and other like-minded parties would dominate the scene in South Africa; by getting over 50% of the vote; thus forming a “solid majority” of voters, and usher-in a resurgence of economic recovery and growth. Let’ hope he’s right!
Consequently, he predicted that the GNU would continue to hold well into the next decade.
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