Trump’s inauguration is happening right now and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. US citizens voted for him and now not only Americans, but also the rest of the free world by implication, because of international trade and defence agreements, will have to find ways to curb his and his super-wealthy and dangerous allies’ worldwide ambitions.

a rolls royce phantom
Photo by Abdul Rahman on

He presents himself as the ultimate saviour who, as America’s leader has the responsibility to lead us all into a future he envisages.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, the amount of money one has determines the amount of power one is able to wield. Unfortunately also is the fact that like-minded fantastically wealthy sychophants have a tendency to rally around such people and collaborate with them for their own ends.

The rogues gallery that surrounds Trump includes:

Elon Musk

George Bezos (owner of Amazon)

Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft)

Vladimir Putin (Russian president) (apparently, he is richer than Musk – ??

Kim Jong Un (Leader of North Korea)

Mark Zuckerberg Founder, owner and CEO of Facebook

These people are all members of the oligarchic club that is working to create a new world order that intends to dominate and control all of us; whose only ambition is to increase their own personal wealth and power.

Trump, although not the sharpest tool in the workshop, knows how to sway people towards his way of thinking, using a combination of lies, flattery, greed and ‘boys’ club’ juvenile and racist rhetoric.

If one puts such people together in a group, that combination is dangerous enough to brainwash ignorant, stupid, incompetent, uneducated people into believing in a vision of Trump leading everyone into a better world. The problem is that there is no such reality, and hence, fascist oligarchies of this type are destined to fail.

Increasingly, however, it appears that many of his middle and working-class Republican supporters are now realising that the pre-election policy promises he used to gain their votes, are not only being revealed as a pack of lies, but that the policies are liable to cause widespread failure of businesses, increasing unemployment and even loss of life, due to policies aimed at reducing taxes on the super-rich and cutting welfare benefits.

However, the failure of such oligarchic groups takes time; and causes huge damage to life, livelihoods and society while the message of the true nature of the group filters down to the less wealthy who believe in democracy, the Rule of Law, and the right of every member of a society to live peacefully, enjoy good health and a good quality of life, driven by common sense.

In order to achieve this outcome, checks and balances have to be put in place in order to balance and take into account various viewpoints; and it is the job of government to practise leadership and stabilize the situation, with the help of a democratically-driven constitution.

Trump seems to be intent on increasing the US’s imperialistic ambitions by threatening Canada, Greenland, which is part of Denmark, and the Panama Canal, which is owned by Panama, with takeover by the US. However, the governments of all these countries have in no uncertain terms refused to allow the US under Trump to buy or invade them. It’s troubling however that a survey done on Greenland’s population asking whether citizens supported Greenland becoming America’s 51st state, and a slim majority indicated that they supported the notion.

Surprisingly, Trump’s ambition to dominate the North Pacific region appears to be quite smart because:

  1. The strategic advantage of having a US military base on Greenland; a huge island situated close to Norway, Russia and Canada.
  2. Greenland has large deposits of minerals, including rare earth minerals.
  3. Canada, to the South-West, is not far away and boasts many extremely valuable mineral resources plus oil, coal and natural gas.

If manages to pull off this empire building scheme he and the US will be in an incredibly powerful position in the world.

However, what Trump was probably not expecting was that his attempts to take over such large chunks of the northern hemisphere was that other countries such as Venezuela, would say – If Trump can get away with his attempts at empire-building with impunity why can’t we do the same? Venezeula now has its eye on Puerto Rico!

How on earth does this convicted criminal get away with spreading insults about world leaders and threatening to change the name of the Gulf Of Mexico to the Gulf Of America?

The number of nations who are BRICS’ members is increasing dramatically; forming a growing power bloc; which over time, is likely to prove a threat to the US’s and the US dollar’s hegemony; particularly in respect of the dwindling popularity of the US dollar. Hopefully this will prove to be a stumbling block in the face of the growing power of the oligarchs.


Trump is taking charge of America’s destiny as we speak. Good luck to all of us who inhabit this planet – no matter what culture or creed you ascribe to. We all need to pray now for the wisdom and strength to stand firm against this tyrant who will no doubt let loose a blizzard of executive orders starting today, that will add to the woes and tribulations that; in tandem with the devastation wreaked mainly by climate change, threaten to cause havoc for the next four years.

Maybe we should stop running down Elon Musk for all his alleged misconduct because perhaps the only way for all of us is to flee to Mars because; thanks to mankind’s stupidity and greed, the earth is destined to ‘Burn, Baby Burn! – Pity I can’t afford a ticket on a spaceship! It’s probably Billionairs Only on that ship.

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